WSCAH in the News
We continue to make news with innovative strategies to supply a range of healthy food and essential benefits to New Yorkers. For all media inquiries, please contact our Communications Manager.
Front line food relief amid COVID-19
The Cattle SiteApr 29, 2020Two NYC nonprofits give away food amid virus
Associated PressApr 23, 2020A Virtual Food Drive by West Side Campaign Against Hunger
I Love the Upper West SideApr 23, 2020Local Food Pantry Begins a Virtual Food Drive: ‘We Need Our Community to Come Together Again’
West Side RagApr 21, 2020Unemployed and Undocumented NYers Hit Hard by Food Insecurity During Crisis
Spectrum News NY 1Apr 17, 2020Food at the front line
Farm GateApr 17, 2020West Side Campaign Against Hunger tackling NYC’s COVID-19 food crisis
PIX 11Apr 16, 2020Greg Silverman’s Rapid Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Streets of NYC
Add Passion and StirApr 8, 2020Collectively Serving our Community through Healthy Food
Children's Aid Every Step Of the WayApr 6, 2020Faithful get creative to spare Holy Week from coronavirus pandemic’s rampage
The Washington TimesApr 6, 2020City Food Pantries and Soup Kitchens Face Obstacles Meeting Soaring Need
City LimitsApr 3, 2020Dashboard and COVID-19 Meeting Briefing
WSCAHApr 3, 2020‘Lot of Fear’: Coronavirus pandemic compounds dire situation for poor Americans
ABC NewsMar 27, 2020Help us feed the hungry now: NYC emergency food aid during coronavirus
Daily NewsMar 26, 2020Working Together, Pantries Save Nearly 20% on Food
Food Bank NewsFeb 27, 2020New York Community Trust awards $7 million in grants to 47 local nonprofits
amNYFeb 12, 2020Veterans Vulnerable as Trump Threatens Food Aid for 70,000 New Yorkers
The CityDec 9, 2019Should Emergency Food Be the Long-Term Solution to Hunger?
Hunter College New York City Food Policy CenterOct 29, 2019A Mobile Food Market Brings Healthy Food to At-Risk Families
Health Matters - New York PresbyterianSept 11, 2019Food for Good: Mobile Food Market Debuts at NYP Clinic
Manhattan TimesJun 12, 2019