Monday, May 20, 2024

A Great Day!

We had a beautiful, sunny afternoon packing healthy food for distribution to WSCAH customers (and enjoying delicious bites from Tiki Chick & coffee from Buunni), advocating with FRAC to stop the precipitous 56% cuts to the Community Food Connections budget (which supports over 500 pantries & soup kitchens in NYC), listening to powerful readings of poetry and essays by NYC student authors, and dancing to music courtesy of Emy and the Epix and DJ Kreme. And we packed over 22,400 pounds of healthy food, enough for 19,000 meals!

block party on 86th Street

Congratulations to the winners and finalists in our second annual writing contest!

Winners (Poetry)

Hannah Adler, Untitled
Kaycee Baker, Tuesday Full Of Love
Chloe Gibeon, Hunger
Gabrielle Guzman, Croquetas
Paulina Milewska, Untitled
Avril Wei, Untitled

Winner (Essay)

Rana Musleh

Finalists (Poetry)

Leela Fleck, Chatter in the Loud Lunchroom
James Gettinger, Food Waste Poem
Rose Posternak, Family Dinner
Austin Ruan, Craving Change

Finalist (Essay)

Jehee Nam

With big thanks to this year's judges:

  • Linda Trott Dickman

    Linda is an award-winning poet, author of four chapbooks, and a book of poetry prompts for children.

  • Willeena Booker

    Willeena is an elementary educator and a published poet.

  • Brandon D. Johnson

    Brandon is the author of several books of poetry and has been published in numerous journals and anthologies.